DREP Financial Infrastructure — Opening the Frontiers of Web 3.0 Gaming
X-to-Earn model is attracting game producers to move on-chain, bringing new blood into GameFi which is digging into transformation. Traditional online games seem to be facing bottlenecks that force game producers to seek innovation. DREP’s Web 3.0 tools are ready to help by paving way for this revolution.
First of all, what’s new on Web 3.0? What’s driving game players away from traditional games? Here is all you should know:
Bottlenecks of games on Web 2.0
Traditional games had their glorious time when offering fresh user experiences. After that, game developers seemed to be blinded by huge profits and did not pay much effort to explore more game scenarios. Ultimately, poor playability makes players lose interest in the game itself, and at the same time, makes it troublesome for game producers to pull in more users.
However, declining user experience is not telling the whole story. Game producers usually don’t put a cap on issuing their game currencies. Once there are not enough game scenarios to keep up token consumption, the supply of game tokens surpasses the demand, eventually leading to token depreciation and inflation in the game economy. This is not unusual in many traditional games, which explains the high volatility of game currencies that’s draining players’ asset value, reducing the game life cycle.
Not to mention that game assets do not belong to anyone but game producers. Any behavior in exchanging game tokens or assets for fiat currencies is banned according to rule of law, which could distress a proportion of users.
A Sketch of Web 3.0 Games
Web 3.0 will be able to embed cryptocurrencies as certain types of on-chain game tokens, which will encourage users to connect their wallets to the game and namely play to earn what truly belong to players themselves and that are available for trading on multiple chains. Traditional game tokens usually include game credits, silver coins, gold, and gems. To make an analogy, on-chain tokens may seem like this:
(1) consumption tokens developed by game producers to replace silver coins, acting as the medium of circulation, with no limited supply;
(2) denominated tokens to replace gold, including cryptocurrencies like SOL, ETH, etc.;
(3) governance tokens to replace gems, like AXS, BTC, GMT, and others that have a supply cap;
(4) finally comes NFTs, which can be set as high-value equipment to attract more high-end players.
A bond between game tokens and real assets is a great stimulus for players to play-to-earn.
For that to happen, the most suitable field lies in medium games. Compared with light games, medium games have higher interactivity among users and more complexities in the game economy. The sophisticated trading mechanism in medium games helps grow the game’s lifespan and economic benefits. Heavy games are not the first choice in Web 3.0 to develop, since players value highly on graphic designs where Web 3.0 is not that competitive yet compared with traditional game producers.
However, the game economy on Web 3.0 can not replicate that of traditional games. A more precise value control system is required to ensure game economy stability. And game producers should spot more scenarios for game token applications to boost consumption and improve experience. A bumpy road is still lying ahead of Web 3.0 games…
DREP toolkits empowering the Web 3.0 gaming ecosystem
DREP SDK will provide a range of options for game producers to launch new games on different chains faster, lowering barriers and engaging more players. DREP prioritizes safety in its Ecosystem, all the integrations will be accomplished upon Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks validated by multiple third parties. Considering what cross-chain could possibly bring to the market itself, DREP aims to realize easy in-game assets swap solutions based on money legos in various DeFi networks, to establish smooth channels for game players to own, validate, and trade their assets.
DREP Credit + DREP DID will help build a more trustworthy DAO community among game players, as all on-chain user data are recorded and can be retrieved through DREP DID, it will provide references for players before initiating transactions. And any time when DAO communities decide to carry out any policy, players and game producers are entitled to vote based on their pledged asset volume. Once the policy takes effect, players will be allocated certain dividends in return, which will form a virtuous cycle in setting up a healthy community with high credibility.
Looking ahead, a lot is to be expected of Web 3.0 Gaming. Stay tuned with DREP Web 3.0 Toolkit!
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